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Showing posts from October, 2018

This week

We had a busy week in room 2 last week! We started the work toward completing our identity art projects, and so far they are looking absolutely amazing! Due to some tech issues, some of the files were not recognized by our projector, but we are on the case to get them fixed and ready to rock! We will continue working on this in the coming week once our IT department (Ms. Walker's husband haha) gets to the bottom of it! :) We've continued working on poetry in LA and have been really knocking it our of the park. Students have written many different styles of poetry now, including haikus, cinquains, and free-verse poems. We have been using nature as our inspiration this week by writing poems outside in the fresh air in our natural area. Students have made thoughtful observations and are really beginning to master using poetic devices in their writing. We have also been analyzing poems and exploring some exciting works of literature! This week we read "This Is Just To Say&qu

Identity Art Project

Today we discussed our upcoming art project that is themed around the concept of IDENTITY. Things to think about as we begin the process: What makes you, you? We are all different and special in our own way, but what exactly forms who we truly are, and how we see ourselves? What factors, experiences, and influences help form us as people? Today we broke it down into what we thought were the major parts of what creates personal identity: 1. Sense of Place: Think of a building, home, room, or indoor space where you feel most relaxed and comfortable... somewhere where you can just be yourself and be happy. It could be your house, your bedroom, your tree-house, your grandma's kitchen - who knows! But think of an indoor place that is special and safe to you. 2. Connection to Nature: Think of an outdoor space where you feel at peace and right with the world. Where in nature do you go to be free of worries and connected to the wild beauty of mother nature? Think of somewhere

This week in Room 2 (October 8th-12th)

Wishing everyone a great weekend and sending a big thank you for putting together such a wonderful class party today! Our fort was a tremendous success, the snacks were delicious (I think Mason Buttle would be especially fond of the apple treats!), the jammies were adorable, and all of us had a fantastic time reading together! Kids- show this book trailer for "The Truth As Told By Mason Buttle" and tell them about the mystery we've been trying to solve! Here are some important dates and events to keep in mind as we move into next week: - Monday - Math Quiz    Multi-digit multiplication using traditional method and lattice method. - Wednesday- Social Studies Quiz: Atlantic Region (history/culture).    Please review the hard copy hand outs I gave you to study from, as well as the videos and notes posted previously in the b