We had a busy week in room 2 last week! We started the work toward completing our identity art projects, and so far they are looking absolutely amazing! Due to some tech issues, some of the files were not recognized by our projector, but we are on the case to get them fixed and ready to rock! We will continue working on this in the coming week once our IT department (Ms. Walker's husband haha) gets to the bottom of it! :) We've continued working on poetry in LA and have been really knocking it our of the park. Students have written many different styles of poetry now, including haikus, cinquains, and free-verse poems. We have been using nature as our inspiration this week by writing poems outside in the fresh air in our natural area. Students have made thoughtful observations and are really beginning to master using poetic devices in their writing. We have also been analyzing poems and exploring some exciting works of literature! This week we read "This Is Just To Say...