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Showing posts from September, 2018

This week in Walkertown

This week we've covered a lot of ground and have been learning some exciting things! In Math we've begun working on double digit multiplication, as well as exploring word problems. We've practiced the procedures together and are starting to work our multiplication muscles out! Here are some videos to help review the process: In Science we explored the reasons for the seasons, as well as why some locations don't experiences the same seasonal changes as we do here in Calgary! Below are some videos explaining how the axis of our planet causes different seasons throughout the year, as well as how to recognize lines of  longitude and latitude! As a class, we've also started to review some helpful interactive tutorials about many of the concepts we have covered in our Weather Unit so far! h

This week in Room 2....

Hello everybody! Thanks for another awesome week in Grade Five, and a big thank you to everyone who made it out to Parent-Teacher Conferences! It was so nice getting to know all our new families this year! We had a busy week this week and have covered a lot of ground! Math: We continue to work on place value and will now be focusing more on rounding and estimation as we move into next week. As I mentioned at conferences, in the near future we will be ramping up in Math with more complex problems, and I highly encourage everyone to practice your multiplication tables until you know them by heart! This way you will be a total rockstar as we move forward this year! Social Studies: We have bene filling our "suitcases" for our trip through the Atlantic Region, and have learned some great new historical facts. This week we looked at the provincial flags, and have begun to design our very own flag to represent the entire region. We took care to include a visual element that b

Place Value and Rounding

Hi all, Here are some links to on-line tutorials that will help you master place value, and rounding! PARENTS- as we move into our year, the importance of students having memorized their multiplication tables is crucial to their success. I HIGHLY encourage practicing these facts as a family in order to get out kiddos feeling confident and ready to conquer Grade Five Math! At Parent-Teacher Conferences, I will have some booklets available that include helpful strategies and tricks to support students with their multiplication facts. History of numbers Why are we learning all this? Why you can't really divide by zero Place Value: Rounding:

Language Arts this week...

Hello everyone! This week we have been working on catching some pesky mistakes that we find all too often in our writing. We corrected a love letter from Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez and used our handy copy of "Ms.Walker's Pet Peeves" to guide our process. Justin definitely needs our help! I have attached a copy of his love letter for you to see from home. See if your parents can find all of Justin's little mistakes, too!

Social Studies resources- Atlantic Region fun!

Hello there Explorers! Have you had fun this week on our imaginary journey across Canada and the Atlantic Region? I sure hope so, because I have been loving it! I wanted to provide you with some helpful links and resources that you can review at home, and share with your families too! Here is the link to the song we are learning that tells us all about the Canadian provinces, territories, and their capital cities. It's a pretty fast little song with lots of lyrics, so I know that it takes some practice to remember them all! Not to worry though, you can read along using the printed lyrics I handed out in class, or if you're practicing at home, you can find the song lyrics in the comment section below the Youtube video as well and print an additional copy. I know this song can be a bit tough to memorize, but it's really great because it gives a few key facts about each province that will help paint a picture in your mind about what makes each place unique and special.

Science Resources : Weather unit

Hey there kiddles/budding meteorologists, and parents! We have been having such fun learning about clouds this week and how to read the skies to predict weather changes! I wanted to provide you with some helpful links that you can use at home for additional review, or even just to check out together as a family so that you can cloud-gaze together and share the magic. This week in Science, we got up and moving in class by acting out how air (and water) molecules move and behave. Students pretended that they themselves were air molecules, and demonstrated how cooler, high atmospheric pressure molecules behave, as well as warmer, low atmospheric pressure molecules behave as well. It's a lot of fun to move our bodies to show how science works, and I encourage everyone to act this out as a demonstration for your parents and families so that they can join in the fun as well.... and also so you can show off just how brilliant you are! That's the best part :) Below are some links


Welcome to Ms. Walker's new Grade Five Blog! We will be using this media to keep in contact with students, parents, and to communicate upcoming events, as well as provide helpful study resources and class information! If you have any questions, please continue to communicate with Ms. Walker through e-mail at It has been a great first week at Wildwood thus far, and I am so excited to get to spend the year with such amazing kids!