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Showing posts from November, 2018

science test info

Hi all! As I mentioned in class, our Science test on our Weather unit has been moved to Wednesday afternoon, and not tomorrow as I originally posted in my last blog update! Below are some helpful study resources you should definitely review in order to totally kick butt on your test! :) This link has all the information on the weather instruments you'll need to know: Here are some videos by Bill Nye about atmospheric (air) pressure, the water cycle, climate, and the seasons: Here are some videos on why we have seasons, ex

Week of Nov 5th-9th

Hi everyone! We have an exciting week ahead! This Wednesday we will be having our Atlantic Region Chowder party, and will get busy in the kitchen starting at 9am. Students will be rotating through three stations; 1. Kitchen food prep, 2. Acadian dancing/culture (classroom) and 3. Newfoundland expression trivia/karaoke (classroom). Each class will rotate through each activity for a duration of roughly 40 minutes, and finishing off the morning's adventures with a nice bowl of seafood chowder. Once again if there are any dietary restrictions, please contact Ms. Walker asap so she can make alternative arrangements/options. The ingredients contain lobster, scallops, haddock, onion, potatoes, and dairy. **Gluten free** Students are welcome to contribute a donation of $4 toward ingredients, though this is not required if families prefer not to at this time. Students are asked to wear short sleeved shirts, closed toe shoes, and have long hair pulled back when cooking. Everyone is wel