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Showing posts from December, 2018

Arctic region Test TUESDAY Dec. 18th (changed from Monday)

Ho ho ho! Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend filled with cheer! the countdown is on and we are almost ready to dive into our winter holidays! We have one last thing to cross off our to-do list before we say farewell to 2018, which is our unit test on the Arctic region.  Below is the study sheet that we made in class together this week. Please watch ALL the videos and links attached so that all the vocabulary and concepts are fresh in your mind and you'll be fully prepared to discuss all the outlined information. If you have any questions, or are finding anything tricky, make a note of it on a piece of paper and bring your questions to class with you on Monday to discuss with Ms. Walker. Thanks everyone!!! Have a beautiful weekend! ARCTIC REGION STUDY SHEET – TEST ON Tuesday   DECEMBER 18 TH Which provinces are part of the Arctic Region, and what are their capital cities? You should be able to find, label and color in these areas on a map. Iqalui

This week coming up in Room 2

Hi everyone! Hope you've bene having a cozy weekend inside in this winter wonderland! Science: This week we have started a brief introduction to our Electricity and Magnetism unit and vocabulary sheets will be coming home this week. our photocopier has been down so we will have those sent out as soon as it is fixed! In the meantime here are some videos you can use to get more familiarized on the concepts. Social Studies: We have started our last project in our Arctic Region unit this week, and students are taking an imaginary trip to Nunavut. For each section outlined in the project outline below, students will write a paragraph or two detailing their responses. It is import