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Showing posts from March, 2019

SS test on the Cordillera Region this Thursday

The Cordillera Region Study Guide- Test will be Thursday this week!   Includes BC, part of the Yukon and part of the NWT Major Cities: Victoria (Capital of BC) Vancouver The Okanagan Valley is important in this region as well because of the agriculture there. It produces 5% Canada’s fruit, and are famous for wine making. Cherries, grapes, pears, apples and peaches are some of the major fruits that grow there. Climate: Mild and rainy for the most part, with some very snowy areas such as Whistler, Fernie. It is mild because it is next to the Pacific Ocean. The Cordillera is a chain of mountains, there are deep harbors, sheltered waterways and deltas. Deltas are broad flat areas of land formed where a river drains into a large body of water. Natural Resources: Gold- gold rush is an important part of our history Forestry- logging Fishing Farming Mining Oil and gas Hydroelectricity plants- these generate electricity

Science videos for Chemistry

Matter Simple distillation Crystallization Oxidation Great video tutorials and practice quizzes:

Updates in room 2

Hi everyone! Lots of fun things are happening in room 2 these days! 1. Be sure to sign up for parent-teacher conferences if you haven't already, or contact Ms. Walker at if you need to meet another day. 2. We finished fractions- yay! Our test results are in and you've all worked so hard! Well done! 3.  We have now been working toward introducing our villains in our co-written story for LA. Share your contributions with your parents so they can see the fabulous work you've done in writing this term! 4. We have started learning about the Cordillera Region in Social Studies and are loving it! We are working on a special project that is cross-curricular involving art, chemistry, and Haida art history related to our Social Studies unit! We need your help! We will be making our own pigments in the tradition of Haida paint making techniques in order to honour the process of this work, and appreciate how much passion and effort went into the creati