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Updates in room 2

Hi everyone!

Lots of fun things are happening in room 2 these days!

1. Be sure to sign up for parent-teacher conferences if you haven't already, or contact Ms. Walker at if you need to meet another day.

2. We finished fractions- yay! Our test results are in and you've all worked so hard! Well done!

3.  We have now been working toward introducing our villains in our co-written story for LA. Share your contributions with your parents so they can see the fabulous work you've done in writing this term!

4. We have started learning about the Cordillera Region in Social Studies and are loving it! We are working on a special project that is cross-curricular involving art, chemistry, and Haida art history related to our Social Studies unit!

We need your help!

We will be making our own pigments in the tradition of Haida paint making techniques in order to honour the process of this work, and appreciate how much passion and effort went into the creation of the totem. We have learned about the symbolic significance of each of the sacred animals, as well as their creation stories through an indigenous lens. It has been beautiful and fascinating work!

We understand that Haida artwork is steeped in a rich history and cultural understanding that we want to appreciate, while being conscious not to simply replicate. In that knowledge, we have decided we will try mixing pigments to use on wood as well, however the imagery will be that of our own individual style, subject matter and expression. 

We are asking parents, friends and family if anyone has the following items they might be able to donate to this project:

An old "magic bullet" blender that you do not need back.
a rock pulverizer- yes this is a thing ;)
wooden planks
salmon oil/eggs
mortar and pestle 

I'm planning on picking up the following minerals from the rocks and gem store this week, but if you have them at home and don't need them, I sure know some kids who would be grateful!

Hydrated ferric (iron) oxide
Gypsum and/or Kaolin
Charcoal sticks

My hope is to begin this work with students this Friday morning. 

Thanks everyone and see you at conferences!


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